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A Guide to Venue Management Software

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on selecting the perfect venue and event management software for your business. Whether you're a seasoned event professional or just venturing into the world of venue management, this guide has everything you need to make an informed decision. From understanding key features to evaluating different solutions, let's embark on a journey to find the ideal software that will streamline your operations and elevate your events to new heights.

What is Venue Management Software?

Venue management software is a comprehensive technology system designed to help venues manage their daily operations and special events. It offers a centralized platform to handle tasks related to event booking, scheduling, resource allocation, communication, reporting and customer relationship management. 

Venue management software streamlines and automates various aspects of venues and events. Convention and exhibition centers, stadiums and arenas, college and university campuses, hospitality venues, arts and culture centers, corporate real estate and more benefit from incorporating venue management systems like Momentus Technologies into their workflow. 

Key features of venue management software typically include: 

  1. Booking and Scheduling: Enables users to manage event bookings, check venue availability, and schedule events efficiently.
  2. Resource Allocation: Facilitates the allocation of resources such as rooms, equipment, staff, and catering services based on event requirements.
  3. Communication Tools: Provides tools for internal and external communication, including email notifications, reminders, and messaging, to ensure effective collaboration among stakeholders.
  4. Financial Management: Allows users to create invoices, track payments, manage budgets, and generate financial reports related to events and venue operations.
  5. Event Planning and Coordination: Offers features for planning event logistics, coordinating with vendors and suppliers, managing contracts, and ensuring compliance with regulations. 
  6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Helps in managing customer relationships, storing client information, tracking interactions, and providing personalized services. 
  7. Reporting and Analytics: Provides reporting capabilities to track event performance, attendance, revenue, and other key metrics, enabling data-driven decision-making.
  8. Mobile Accessibility: Often includes mobile apps or responsive web interfaces to allow users to access and manage venue operations from anywhere, at any time.
  9. Integration Capabilities: Integrates with other systems to streamline workflows and data exchange. 

Overall, venue management software empowers venue managers to efficiently plan, execute, and optimize events while enhancing the overall guest experience and maximizing revenue opportunities. 

What Are the Top Venue Management Challenges? 

The landscape of venue and events management has undergone profound transformations, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today's challenges in the events industry are markedly different from those encountered in the past.  

Understanding these challenges is crucial for identifying areas of improvement and implementing effective venue management practices. Here are some of the top challenges encountered by venue managers today: 

  1. Staffing Shortages: The hospitality industry, including event venues, is experiencing significant staffing shortages, exacerbated by factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic and changing workforce demographics. Recruiting and retaining skilled staff members have become major challenges for venue managers.
  2. Operational Efficiency: Manual processes and outdated systems contribute to inefficiencies in venue operations, leading to wasted time and resources. Streamlining operational workflows and adopting technology solutions are essential for improving efficiency.
  3. Sustainability Concerns: With increasing awareness of environmental issues, there is growing pressure on venues to adopt sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint. Implementing green initiatives and sustainable event management strategies are imperative for meeting the expectations of environmentally conscious stakeholders.
  4. Risk Management: Venues face various risks, including safety and security concerns, regulatory compliance, and unforeseen emergencies such as natural disasters or public health crises. Effective risk management protocols and contingency plans are essential for mitigating risks and ensuring the safety of event attendees and staff.
  5. Customer Expectations: As event attendees demand more personalized experiences and seamless service delivery, venue managers must continually strive to meet and exceed customer expectations. Providing exceptional customer service and tailoring event experiences to individual preferences are critical for maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  6. Technological Integration: Keeping pace with rapid technological advancements is a challenge for many venues, particularly older facilities with legacy systems. Integrating modern technology solutions such as venue management software, mobile apps, and digital marketing tools can enhance operational efficiency and enhance the overall event experience.
  7. Financial Sustainability: Managing budgets and maximizing revenue streams are challenges for venue managers, particularly due to fluctuating economic conditions and competitive market dynamics. Implementing strategic pricing strategies, diversifying revenue sources, and optimizing resource allocation are essential for ensuring financial sustainability.
  8. Adapting to Market Trends: The events industry is constantly evolving, with emerging trends and shifting consumer preferences shaping the landscape. Venue managers must stay informed about industry trends and adapt their strategies accordingly to remain competitive and relevant in the market.

Addressing these challenges requires a proactive and strategic approach, combined with the adoption of innovative solutions and best practices in venue management. By identifying and addressing these challenges head-on, venue managers can optimize their operations, enhance the event experience, and achieve long-term success in the competitive events industry. 

These challenges need not impede your progress. Learn how to overcome Today's Venue and Event Management Challenges. 

Overcoming Common Event Planning and Venue Management Mistakes

Even seasoned venue and event specialists are susceptible to mistakes. Given the prevalence of manual processes and the increasing complexity of events, addressing avoidable errors is imperative. 

Are you currently grappling with any of the following? 

  • Overbooking of event space 
  • Lack of contingency plans 
  • Inefficient registration processes 
  • Budgetary overspending or depletion 
  • Insufficient insights or information 

Learn more about overcoming Common Venue and Event Management Mistakes. 

What Is Event Management Software?

Event management software is a comprehensive solution designed to facilitate the planning, organization, and execution of events, such as conferences, trade shows, weddings, festivals, and corporate events. It covers various aspects of event planning and management, including attendee registration, agenda management, speaker management, exhibitor management, attendee engagement and post-event analysis. 

Key features of event management software typically include: 

  1. Agenda and Schedule Management: Helps organizers create event agendas, schedule sessions, workshops, and activities, and communicate event schedules to attendees.
  2. Speaker and Presenter Management: Facilitates the management of speakers, presenters, and panelists, including communication, scheduling, and content management.
  3. Exhibitor and Sponsor Management: Allows organizers to manage exhibitor booths, sponsorships, floor plans, and exhibitor communications.
  4. Attendee Engagement Tools: Provides features for engaging attendees before, during, and after the event, such as event apps, networking tools, surveys, and feedback forms.
  5. Venue Selection and Logistics: Assists in selecting event venues, managing event logistics, coordinating with vendors, and ensuring compliance with venue requirements.
  6. Marketing and Promotion: Offers tools for event marketing, promotion, email campaigns, social media integration, and analytics to track marketing performance.
  7. Onsite Management: Supports onsite event management activities, such as attendee check-in, badge printing, session tracking, and live polling.
  8. Data Analytics and Reporting: Provides analytics dashboards and reporting tools to track event performance, attendee demographics, engagement metrics, and ROI. 


Venue Management Software vs. Event Planning Software: What’s the Difference?

Event management software and venue management software serve related, but distinct purposes in the realm of event planning and execution.  

By understanding these distinctions, venue managers and event planners can select the appropriate software solution that aligns with their specific needs and responsibilities in managing venues and organizing events effectively. 

Scope of Functionality 

  • Venue Management Software: Primarily focuses on managing the operations and resources of a physical venue, including event bookings, scheduling, resource allocation, and facility management. 
  • Event Planning Software: Offers a broader range of features to facilitate the planning, organization, and execution of events, including attendee registration,  agenda management, speaker management, exhibitor management, and attendee engagement. 

Primary Users 

  • Venue Management Software: Targeted towards venue managers, facility administrators, and event venue owners responsible for managing a venue's daily operations. 
  • Event Planning Software: Geared towards event planners, organizers and coordinators involved in planning and executing events, regardless of the venue. 

Focus on Venue Operations 

  • Venue Management Software: Emphasizes the efficient management of venue-specific tasks, such as event bookings, scheduling conflicts, resource allocation, room setups, and maintenance. 
  • Event Planning Software: Focuses on the overall event planning process, including attendee management, speaker coordination, exhibitor management, agenda creation, and logistics planning. 

Resource Allocation 

  • Venue Management Software: Facilitates the allocation of venue resources, such as rooms, equipment, staff, and catering services, based on event requirements and availability. 
  • Event Planning Software: Helps organizers allocate resources beyond venue-specific ones, such as speakers, sponsors, exhibitor booths, marketing materials, and event collateral. 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 

  • Venue Management Software: Provides CRM capabilities tailored to managing client relationships, storing client information, tracking interactions, managing contracts, and providing personalized services related to venue bookings. 
  • Event Planning Software: Offers CRM features to manage attendee relationships, track registration information, send personalized communications, gather feedback, and maintain attendee databases. 

Financial Management 

  • Venue Management Software: Focuses on financial aspects related to venue operations, such as invoicing, payment tracking, budget management, and financial reporting specific to venue bookings and services. 
  • Event Planning Software: Handles financial tasks associated with event planning, including budgeting, expense tracking, revenue generation, sponsorships, and financial reporting for overall event finances. 

Event Execution vs. Venue Management 

  • Venue Management Software: Supports day-to-day venue operations, such as managing event setups, coordinating with vendors, ensuring compliance with regulations, and providing onsite support during events. 
  • Event Planning Software: Aids in the planning and execution of events, including creating event agendas, managing speaker sessions, coordinating exhibitor setups, facilitating attendee check-in, and monitoring event logistics. 

Reporting and Analytics 

  • Venue Management Software: Provides reporting and analytics tools tailored to venue-specific metrics, such as occupancy rates, revenue per event, resource utilization, maintenance logs, and venue performance indicators. 
  • Event Planning Software: Offers reporting and analytics capabilities focused on event-specific metrics, such as attendee demographics, registration trends, session attendance, exhibitor ROI, attendee engagement, and overall event success metrics. 


Venue and Event Management Software: Why It’s Essential

Gone are the days when venue management software was merely optional. In today's event landscape, characterized by staffing shortages, budget constraints, and heightened risk management concerns, leveraging venue management software has become indispensable for ensuring flawless events and seamless day-to-day operations.


Manual processes are often inefficient and time-consuming. For instance, tasks like payment processing and account reconciliation can take up to four hours, while creating proposals and quotes may consume over an hour. Venue management software can significantly reduce this time, sometimes to as low as 10 minutes, freeing up valuable time for other critical tasks

Comprehensive Insights

Manual processes and disparate systems hinder the ability to have a consolidated view of all relevant information. This fragmented approach results in incomplete customer profiles, leading to decisions based on incomplete and disconnected information. Venue management software offers a centralized platform for consolidating data, providing comprehensive insights that enable informed decision-making. 

Discover additional ways that venue management software can streamline your operations and maximize the efficiency of your resources. 

Top Trends in Venue and Event Management

In the dynamic landscape of venue and event management, staying abreast of the latest trends is paramount for success. This section delves into the top trends shaping the future of venue and event management, providing insights into innovative strategies, cutting-edge technologies, and industry developments driving transformation. 

1. Driving Revenue and Increasing Venue Occupancy 

Many venues are attempting to innovate by repurposing underused spaces and turning them into bookable rooms to maximize revenue, increase occupancy and provide unique experiences for patrons. This is especially true for unique venues like corporate businesses and higher educational facilities that now offer hybrid arrangements for their staff and customers and have vacant spaces that can be used for events. 

2. Managing staff shortages 

Staffing shortages continue as a trend in venue and event management, so venues and organizers must focus on attracting suitable candidates, streamlining onboarding processes and encouraging staff engagement. Tactics that are being used include offering desirable packages, flexible working arrangements and upskill/career advancement opportunities. In addition, many businesses are turning to technology to automate basic administrative duties, allowing existing staff to increase their productivity levels and dedicate more time towards delivering the best possible event experience for their customers. 

3. Prioritizing incident and risk management at events 

News headlines oftentimes force incident and risk management into the venue and event management spotlight. Proper incident and risk management and response are essential to limit potential damages, reduce legal jeopardy and provide a secure environment for all attendees at your event. Many venues are foregoing manual process and moving to digital technology for risk assessment and communication, tracking and response when incidents occur during an event. 

4. Tracking sustainable venue and event practices 

More venues and event organizers worldwide are taking responsibility for their environmental impact. To do so, many are implementing sustainable strategies, including reducing paper waste, eliminating single-use plastics, offering virtual/hybrid event options, promoting sustainable menu choices (i.e., meat-free or plant-based options), and proposing carbon offset packages to compensate for the emissions produced at events. 

11 Benefits of Using Event and Venue Management Software

By leveraging venue management software, venues can optimize their operations, improve client satisfaction and deliver exceptional event experiences while maximizing efficiency and productivity in the following ways:  

  1. Streamlined Booking Process: Enables clients to view venue availability, submit booking requests, and sign contracts online, reducing manual paperwork and streamlining the booking process.
  2. Centralized Event Calendar: Provides a centralized calendar to view all scheduled events, including bookings, reservations, and availability, allowing for efficient coordination and avoiding scheduling conflicts.
  3. Resource Allocation: Facilitates the allocation of venue resources, such as rooms, equipment, staff, and catering services, ensuring optimal utilization and avoiding overbooking or double-booking.
  4. Automated Communication: Automates communication processes by sending event confirmations, reminders, and updates to clients, vendors, and staff, ensuring timely and consistent communication throughout the event lifecycle.
  5. Event Setup Management: Helps manage event setups by providing floor plans, room configurations, and setup instructions, ensuring that venues are prepared according to client specifications and event requirements.
  6. Vendor and Contractor Management: Streamlines vendor and contractor management by maintaining contact information, tracking contracts, managing payments, and monitoring performance, facilitating seamless collaboration with external service providers.
  7. Financial Management: Supports financial tasks related to event bookings, such as invoicing, payment processing, budget tracking, and revenue reporting, ensuring accurate financial management and transparency.
  8. Compliance and Safety: Helps ensure compliance with safety regulations, building codes, occupancy limits, and other legal requirements, minimizing risks and liabilities associated with venue operations.
  9. Real-time Reporting and Analytics: Provides real-time reporting and analytics on key performance metrics, such as event attendance, revenue generation, resource utilization, and client satisfaction, enabling data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.
  10. Mobile Accessibility: Offers mobile accessibility, allowing venue managers and staff to access critical information, respond to inquiries, and manage events on-the-go, enhancing flexibility and responsiveness.
  11. Integration with Third-Party Tools: Integrates with other software tools and platforms, such as CRM systems, accounting software, marketing platforms, and event registration platforms, to streamline data exchange and enhance workflow efficiency.

10 Security Features of Venue and Event Management Software

Venue and event management software typically incorporates various security features to protect sensitive data, ensure privacy, and mitigate risks. Here are some common security features: 

  1. Role-based Access Control (RBAC): RBAC allows administrators to define user roles and permissions, controlling access to different features and data within the software based on user roles. This ensures that only authorized personnel can view or modify specific information.
  2. Data Encryption: Encryption techniques are used to encode data transmitted between users and the software's servers, and data stored in databases. This protects information from unauthorized access or interception by encrypting it into an unreadable format.
  3. Secure Authentication: Secure authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) or single sign-on (SSO), verify users' identities before granting access to the software. MFA requires users to provide multiple forms of identification, such as a password and a unique code sent to their mobile device, adding an extra layer of security.
  4. Audit Trails and Logging: The software maintains detailed audit trails and logs of user activities, including login attempts, data modifications, and system changes. These logs help administrators monitor user behavior, detect suspicious activities, and investigate security incidents.
  5. Data Backup and Disaster Recovery: Regular data backups and disaster recovery procedures ensure that critical data is protected against loss or corruption. Backup copies of data are stored securely off-site or in the cloud, allowing for quick restoration in the event of a system failure, data breach, or other emergencies.
  6. Network Security: The software employs network security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and network segmentation, to protect against external threats and unauthorized access to network resources. These measures safeguard data transmission and prevent unauthorized access to the software's infrastructure.
  7. Vulnerability Management: Continuous vulnerability assessments and security scans identify potential security weaknesses or vulnerabilities within the software and its underlying systems. Patch management processes ensure that security patches and updates are promptly applied to address any identified vulnerabilities and protect against exploitation.
  8. Compliance and Regulatory Compliance: The software complies with relevant data protection regulations, industry standards, and security best practices, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and ISO 27001. Compliance features help organizations adhere to legal requirements and maintain data privacy and security standards.
  9. User Training and Awareness: User training programs educate employees and users about security best practices, such as creating strong passwords, identifying phishing attempts, and safeguarding sensitive information. Increased user awareness reduces the risk of human error and improves overall security posture.
  10. Incident Response Planning: The software includes incident response procedures and protocols to guide organizations in responding to security incidents, such as data breaches, cyberattacks, or system compromises. These plans outline the steps to contain, mitigate, and recover from security breaches effectively.

By incorporating these security features, venue and event management software helps organizations protect their data, infrastructure, and operations from security threats, ensuring a secure and reliable platform for managing events and venue operations. 

How to Find the Right Venue Management Software

The right event and venue management software can help you streamline your operations, save time, do more with your budget and more. Unfortunately, the wrong venue management software can frustrate your team, cause problems for your customers and potentially do more harm than good.  

With the following three-stage approach to venue management selection, you can make sure you find a solution that fits your organization and budget, and gets widely used by your team:  

  • Analysis: Determining your needs based on budget, timeline and more.  
  • Evaluation: Vetting software providers and finding goal and organization alignment.  
  • Selection: Choosing the right platform for maximum ROI, adoption and beyond.  

Discover an expertly crafted approach to Finding the Right Venue Management Software and find your ideal venue management software provider. 

Momentus Technologies: The Ultimate Venue and Event Management Software

The Momentus platform offers end-to-end venue and event management. Our cloud-based platform comes with fully integrated accounting, reporting, event management, CRM and web portals.  

Unlike other event and venue management software, the Momentus platform is truly end-to-end. Our software is broken down into five modules, each handling a different piece of events — all on one platform. Using these five modules, you can break down siloes, enable true holistic reporting and streamline all of your events processes.  

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 

Our CRM module is made up of integrated sales tools. These tools allow you to drive sales efficiency through several benefits:  

  • Advanced sales and booking tools.  
  • The ability to generate proposals, contracts and e-signatures.  
  • Goal tracking from inquiry all the way to booking.  
  • Contact management across all your accounts.  

With the Momentus CRM module, you can avoid losing out on historical sales data because of disparate systems. The seamless integration of our CRM module makes it possible to track sales and event performance and make better-informed decisions moving forward.  

Web Portals 

The Momentus web portal makes it possible to streamline the event experience for your end users in several ways:  

  • Empower users to quickly book spaces. 
  • Streamline item and catering orders. 
  • Automate event planning workflows. 

The Momentus web portal allows you to take the friction out of booking, inventory and catering. This can not only save your team precious time, but also leave your users with a more positive impression of your brand. 

Event Management 

The Momentus event management module allows for real-time visibility and mobile event management. Deliver next level event management with:  

  • Mobile apps for event management.  
  • The ability to confirm work order delivery on the go.  
  • Mobile inventory management with check-in/check-out functionality.  

The Momentus event management module can help your team leave the big book and manual processes behind, allowing them to work on the move and keep up with the fast-paced world of modern events. 


With the Momentus accounting module, you can stay on top of resource planning, thanks to a number of tools:  

  • Fully-integrated accounting software for event management.  
  • A single database for all financial data.  
  • Access to accounts payable, ledger, inventory and more.  

A separate accounting program can keep you from holistic insights and create headaches for your team. The Momentus accounting module allows for truly seamless accounting across your event management functions.  


In-depth reporting used to be a headache in events management. With the Momentus events module, it doesn't have to be.  

  • Access analytics on event bookings, venue occupancy and more.  
  • Create customized reports tailored to your organization.  
  • Quickly find the data you need with real-time info and dashboards.  

Events and the market can change on a dime. With the Momentus reporting module you can avoid getting caught off guard and deliver truly Momentus experiences time and time again.  

See the Momentus Difference: Customer Stories

Event and venue management software isn’t new, with countless companies streamlining parts of venue management. While many of these providers deliver what they promise, only one of them delivers end-to-end venue and event management. 

Momentus powers more than one-million events every year for customers spanning 57 countries around the world. Here’s how we’ve made a Momentus impact on the events process for a few of our wonderful customers: 

Convention Center: Jaarbeurs

Jaarbeurs’ existing infrastructure was composed of several disparate systems working in silos across their various venues and international headquarters. That was creating operational bottlenecks across the organization – which in turn, hindered efficiency and kept the company from being as fully customer-centric as it wanted to be. Jaarbeurs wanted to fix this problem in a seamless manner, without impact on current operations, which required a turnkey solution that could provide quick timeto-value (TTV).

Momentus (formerly Ungerboeck) fit the bill. Momentus creates cohesive visibility across the organization and streamlines financial operations. It also eliminates manual processes and simplifies payment and invoicing, which frees up staff to focus on customer success. Beginning first with the exhibitions and venue module of Momentus platform and later adding the financial module, Jaarbeurs now uses nearly the full suite of offerings.

See Outcomes >
Corporate: Pier 57, Google

Hear from industry expert Anne Wheat, Event Operations General Manager at Google's event space Pier 57, as she explains the differences between event operations at a commercial venue vs. a corporate venue. She also shares which event management best practices she brought to the corporate environment and how corporate events are changing.

Watch Interview >
Arts & Culture: Live Nation Australia

Live Nation Australia was grappling with a mix of manual systems and spreadsheets that were time-intensive and led to internal roadblocks, increased human errors and miscommunications. They wanted a single event management solution that would create cohesion across all venues and departments, integrate with existing technologies and produce accurate reports to analyze key business metrics. Their internal operations needed modernization across all departments, but downtime wasn’t an option, so the team needed a system that could be deployed without impacting day-to-day activities.

Live Nation chose Momentus. The intuitive platform acts as a single source of truth to centralize all event information across their business and standardize their event operations. Momentus even integrates with existing infrastructure to reduce the need for many of the manual processes which would improve staff productivity, simplify reporting, and ultimately help modernize the customer experience.

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Higher Education: University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia manages approximately 500 meetings and events and 18,000 individual room bookings per year at over 1,600 event spaces across the campus. When the relationship between UBC and Momentus Technologies (formerly Ungerboeck) began in 1997, UBC was looking for an event management system and CRM to manage room bookings, store client information and produce reports to streamline their event sales process.

Over the past 25 years, their events business has continued to grow, and they have adopted additional Momentus functionality to support their evolving business needs. From online inquiries to event registration, conference session proposals and online payments, each new piece of functionality has allowed the university to further streamline their event processes, while allowing them to expand revenue streams and deliver high-quality customer service to their internal and external clients.

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Arena: Alerus Center

Alerus Center is located in Grand Forks, North Dakota. They hold around 400 events annually. Prior to Momentus, the Alerus Center sales team emailed clients a PDF of their booking contract. The client had to print and sign the contract, scan it, and then send it back to Alerus Center. After rescanning the contract, the internal team would repeat the process and rescan it for their client. Clearly, Alreus Center’s process for signing and completing contracts was long and required too many steps.

Since implementing Momentus and the electronic signature integration with DocuSign, the Alerus Center Sales Team has become more efficient and can now sign contracts on the go. With the new ease of signing, they can turn contracts around more quickly and even generate automatic reminders for clients who still need to sign.

See Outcomes >
Conference Center: Ko Awatea Centre

The Ko Awatea Centre is Counties Manukau Health’s (CM Health) centre for health system innovation and improvement. Before implementing Momentus, Ko Awatea Centre was using a legacy booking system with limited capabilities. As a result, the team relied heavily on manual processes, increasing the risk of booking conflicts and administration errors. The Centre was looking for a solution that would not only better support their internal staff but also provide a more sophisticated customer experience to their external stakeholders with enhanced self-service functionalities.

Ko Awatea Centre chose to implement the Momentus to streamline their space booking processes. The solution offers a range of customizable features, allowing the center to categorize their spaces by size, capacity, cost and more. Customers can easily filter spaces based on their requirements, check availability, provide event details, and make bookings in a click of a button.

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Exhibition Organizer: The Southwater Event Group

Based in Telford, in the Midlands of the UK, the Southwater Event Group is comprised of the Telford International Centre offering 15,000m of event and conference spaces and hotels. Before the Southwater Event Group adopted Momentus in 2015, a lot of the existing event planning process was done across various systems. However, a change to the team’s existing process created some uncertainty with the venue team, therefore gaining the trust of co-workers was a top priority at the beginning of the Momentus implementation process.

The Momentus Platform serves as a single source of truth for the Southwater Event Group, and the information is always accurate and up-to-date, enabling the team to easily create insightful reports. The organization has recently migrated to Momentus Cloud, and once again, a smooth implementation was at the forefront. Now, the Southwater team can streamline event management and even allow exhibitors manage their own orders.

See Outcomes >
Government and Council: City of Aschaffenburg

Aschaffenburg is a city in Bavaria, Germany, and it is a gateway to the Spessart Hills. The city hosts about 400 events every year — from exhibitions to cultural events such as concerts, comedy shows and theater performances. Aschaffenburg City Hall has been a customer of Momentus since 2004 and has digitized numerous venue and event management processes. However, the Congress and Tourism Services of Aschaffenburg was sharing all event data to its Technical department using an event log. Naturally, this process had its pitfalls as data was entered manually and summarized in a report that was provided to the Technical team in printed form.

The Momentus Platform replaced the printed event log altogether. Errors that previously occurred due to manual data entry were eliminated from the outset, and the team can now access current event data in the innovative app from the entire venue via cell phone or tablet.

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A powerful, end-to-end venue and event management platform that empowers organizations to create extraordinary moments.

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