November 28, 2023
4 Ways Arts and Culture Organizations Can Get the Greatest Value from Event Spaces

Arts and culture venues like museums, theaters, community centers and others are pillars of their communities. These organizations provide vital spaces for a community to gather, celebrate, learn, and share unique experiences, and their event spaces are central to those institutions’ financial viability and mission success. In fact, a national study on the economic and social impact of America’s arts and culture sector reported that arts and culture organizations generated close to $6 million into the local economy in 2022, and of that, $3.2 million was in the form of event-related spending.
That being said, many of these venues struggle with tight budgets and small, often volunteer-heavy teams. These limitations may make it difficult to maximize their event spaces and activities. Individuals often have multiple roles and rely on manual processes that lead to inefficiencies those venues simply can’t afford.
Fortunately, there are clear steps arts and culture venues can take to improve their event operations and become proactive about driving their mission success. Let’s explore four ways arts and culture organizations can begin transforming their event activities for the better.1. Reduce, consolidate and eliminate manual tasks
Event teams often settle on inefficient manual processes for planning, scheduling, coordinating and logging event activities. These processes may lack cohesion across each event and lead to confusion or poor record keeping after events conclude.
Organizations can take steps to both standardize and streamline these processes using purpose-built, digital tools. For example, automated workflows and checklists make communication easier, and this functionality can track and log mission-critical activities in real time, eliminating both time-consuming manual processes and confusion around event details.
2. Help team members become more effective together
As team members come and go, arts and culture organizations may experience issues with collaboration across multiple, disconnected parties and systems. And because arts and culture venues host a wide variety of events, these processes can become even more complicated.
Fortunately, event-agnostic software can centralize data and make it available in a way that supports all teams and functions. Event organizers can adapt processes based on the needs of their events and optimize communications for employees, volunteers and others. With the right digital platform, event leaders can capture data as part of their teams’ day-to-day workflows, providing them with a single view of all communications, resources, more.
3. Become proactive — rather than reactive — with all your events activities
Event leaders may struggle to visualize the “bigger picture” of their events in terms of key performance indicators — but also, in terms of how well they’re driving real mission results. This data can be critical since grants and other types of funding are often contingent on results in these areas.
Modern event software enables event leaders to track key statistics and details, then quickly visualize real insights into event data and performance. Applying the same adaptable, digital tools across all events ensures leaders can present reports in a uniform way as well. When those insights are created in an automated way, arts and culture organizations can benefit from a full body of business intelligence.
4. Drive real revenue and mission-focused results
Best of all, organizations can leverage deep insights to support future planning efforts. Deep intelligence means event leaders can track backward to identify what events and activities are successful from a mission standpoint; they can act on insights into how all events are operating and performing.
An event management solution designed specifically for arts and culture organizations can enable event teams to be more agile. By adopting digital resources to streamline event planning and execution, organizations are better positioned to take advantage of unique event opportunities as they arise.
A future of relevance and excellence
The success of arts and culture venues depends in part on their ability to host vibrant, relevant events that capture the attention of patrons, performers, community members, donors and others. With the right digital platform, these organizations can accomplish more and adapt, even with limited resources.
Event management software for arts and culture
Momentus is a cloud-native solution purpose-built for venue and event management in arts and culture. Momentus is easy to adopt and implement; it is event agnostic, allowing event organizers to streamline user adoption and begin driving real value from their events quickly. The more event leaders use Momentus, the better the results of their events and the more proactive and effective their event strategy becomes.
Contact us today to discover how Momentus can help improve your event management operations.
Arts and Culture
David Daly
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